My exchange at EAFIT, Colombia #2

Hello, I am Agathe, i am currently in Master 1 in Paris. I had the chance to do a second academic exchange in Colombia at EAFIT in Medellin.

Why did you want to go there ?

I wanted to learn spanish and discover more latin America. Furthermore, Colombia is a country with a lot of diversity in term of culture and landscapes.

How did you prepare for your departure ?

Since I already had an academic exchange in 3rd year I knew how to prepare it. I follow the school guidelines for the student visa, I had an appointement with my doctor to check vaccinations but also have medecines for a trip in amazonia and a small emergency box with essential medecines.
Concerning bank I used a system in my bank that allows me to have 0 fees for withdrawal or payment when I am abroad. I suscribed to an health assurance that was different than the one my school was offering (because it was only effective in Colombia and I wanted something that was also covering other countries).

How did your first days here go ?

I previously had a talk with students that were in columbia before me to have their tips for accomodations and location in the city. So I contacted the company « tellanto » that is providing students accomodations and house share in good area of Medellin (mine was the « colibri house » in poblado). Other students waited to be in Medellin to visit accomodations in real life, overall there is a lot of offers.
My first days were incredible I directly contacted an assocation that was organizing events for erasmus students to meet new people. We also had the chance to create a Whats’app conversation with all erasmus students of EAFIT before arriving, so, I propose to met the day I arrived.

How is the university ?

The university is amazing it is like a small city inside Medellin. You will find a lot of activities to do inside. you have access to a lot of restaurants, sports accomodations, library, rooftops, barber, medical center… Spending time in the university is really relaxing and the environnment is quite green.

How are the courses ?

Overall the level of courses is quite easy but it will depend on the langage you are choosing them and your level of english/spanish. The teachers are really close to the students and you can easlily talk to them and ask questions if you are lost. They use a platform online such as ieseg online with all document and class informations you will need.

What is the local cost of living ?

The cost of living will mostly depend on your location in the city. Some area are way cheaper but less safe at night. In average the rent for location among exchange student was 300 euros/month and for the food a typical dinner will be between 5-8 euros (in Medellin but it will be cheaper in smaller cities).

What do you do on a daily basis ?

Medellin offers a lot of activities to do. I went to cinema, sport classes, drink with friends, thrift shops, cultural visits of the city and its « communa » (quater), some music festivals. I also had the chance to become friend with local people that were taking me outside of Medellin and were organizing dinner with friends/family.

What do you like best about your exchange ?

The diversity of the country, the ability to move inside the country really easily within 10h of bus. You will have beach, jungle, mountains and even desert in the same country. Transports are cheap. Local people are also the nicest people I ever met, they will always be happy to help and friendly.

Tell us about one of your trips

I had the chance to do a days trek inside the jungle called « the lost cities ». You will be living days with a group of people and meet the aborigenes of the regions, no internet or connexion and it is more than 20 km to walk everyday. The final arrival is at more than 3000 meters of altitude. It is a beatiful human experience to leave and I will recommand to take a company that cares for local communities living in this region and are aware of their traditions and respect them.

Do you have an original anecdote to tell us about your exchange city or country ?

I will recommand to try the local speciality called  » chocolate con queso » this is … quite an interesting taste ? But ask local people to make it for you and share it with them.

What advice would you give to students who want to go there ?

Please try to avoid french people if you want to have the real « Medellin » experience. Colombians people are so welcoming and they will take you everywhere, they are so happy to make you discover their country and the city.
Don’t hesitate to contact the students that went abroad before you they will give you tips for transports, trip, going outside….

What are your good local addresses ?

If you like thrifting go to « plaza minorista », going out will either be in Laureles of « la Provenza », visit the communa 13, you can do hikes in the parque Arvi, see a football game (will depend on the match there are two fields).

Agathe TAGNARD, Campus Parisien

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